Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pictures from the Coolangatta Gold

A big thanks to HarvPix for these. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Na, na, na...See, Mine Has That Extra 'Bum-Dum' in's Different."

So in the course of athletic and fitness oriented adventures, most of us will - at some point - encounter the dreaded "I" word.  Injury.  There are many different opinions and theories about what constitutes a 'true' injury.  

The fact-of-the-matter is this = Pain is pain.  And pain (in whatever form) is a signal from your body informing you that something is not right.  In fact something is Wrong.  Anyone whose been an athlete in any competitive venture has "played through pain".  Whether the reasonning was "for the good of the team", or strictly machismo, we (I am comfortable saying) are all guilty of it.

However, as we 'mature' through our lives, our bodies become more suceptable and less rapid in healing injuries.  It's time to listen to your body.  If it hurts - something is wrong.  Figure out what it is.  And FIX IT!  If you have experienced, or are experiencing, pain, then it is time to check in with the body.

A pre-read understanding:  There is a difference between pain and discomfort.  Discomfort is as it says, an uncomfortable feeling in the body.  This is ok, because, when your body is not at rest, it is not "comfortable".  Pain, is a specific sensation "felt" by the individual.  I say "felt" because in reality, 'pain' is what the brain interperets the signals from the body as.  These specific signals are sent from the body to inform the brain that something is wrong with the body, the environment the body is in, or what the body is doing.

My Rules of Thumb for Determining "Hurt v. Injury"
Rule of 5's.....5 Minutes, 5 Hours, 5 Days

If you experience pain during an exercise or workout, back-off.

If, after 5 Minutes of Rest,  the pain subsides, you'll probably be ok.  Reassess what you are doing - technique, intensity, etc., and reattempt what you were doing.

If it does Not subsude, your workout is OVER.  Your body has told you to back off.

If the pain goes away after 5 Hours, jump back into it the next day.

If the pain does not subside after 5 Hours, CANCEL your next day's workout.  Let your body rest and heal.  Ease back into your workouts after a day's rest.

If you are experiencing pain after  5 Days, it's time to get checked out by a doctor.  You may  have sustained an injury of some kind; and you need to be evaluated.

So after all of that the question should arise: "So, all I do is sit and wait?".  No.  R.I.C.E.

Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.  (I add an additional "A" to this) Anti-Inflammatory.

If you feel pain.  Rest.  Back off.  If it persists past that 5 minute mark (and into that 5 hour mark), Ice the affected area until it is numb (MAX 15 minutes).  If it is at an extremity - wrist, ankle, knee - wrap the area with gentle compression (ACE Bandage), and elevate it above the heart (MAX 15 min).

If PAIN persists past that 5 Hour mark, after utilizing RICE, you may start to think about starting to use an anti-inflammatory.


You may want to look at your nutrition at this point as well.  Make sure you are maintaining a balanced diet.  You can also add some foods to your diet that have anti-inflammatory affects.  Berries and Citrus fruits are high in anti-oxidents which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.  Then there is S.M.A.S.H.  Salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring.  All of these fish are high in Omeg-3 Fatty Acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

So what does all of this mean?  Listen to your body.  Take care of your body - And your body will take care of you.

If you are in doubt about what is wrong with your body, see your doctor.

So if you're having trouble remembering all of this, break it down... rule of 5's, and

(r)Ice (r)Ice baby, Bum-dum dum dum diddy-dum-dum.