Sunday, October 19, 2008

Leading up

In the days leading up to the NIB Coolangatta Gold I joined a small group of individuals also preparing for the torture test. Like in other sports' training programs, this final week was designed as a taper. And while The Boys (Nick & Dan Janes) and Hayley (Bateup) had been putting in serious work for the past 4 months, I could not help but wonder how my improv training along the way would stack up.

The first workout with the Kurrawa team was a running session on the grass-track at Pizzy-park. I was pleasantly surpised to see how my running fitness stacked up in comparison. Six 400's flat out on 2min's per. A true fitness test - give it a try the next time your at the track and see how you hold out. The next test came with the first evening session at Kurrawa beach.

A mellow, true taper-like, ski session had us in and out of the water in less than an hour. Things were seeming to look ok.

A mix of speed and active recovery sessions in the pool, on the run, and in the ocean, continued through the week. Throughout the sessions, I could only wonder, while looking at the others' form and my own, how would my fitness - more importantly, how would my mind - hold up.

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