Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quest for the Shield, part III - Dark Side of the Moon

This will probably be the last post until after the Wieland Shield has concluded, due to internet access.

The past 2 nights have been spent at Pt. Lonsdale Surf Club, just outside of Queenscliffe, where we have been blessed with the rustic Middle-America feel of Blair, Nebraska, and the blessed convenience of wi-fi internet access. Today, Friday 1/15, we will move down the coast to Torquay for our 2nd to last housing venue on the Tour.

Training sessions have been winding down in intensity, and the typical "taper" energy has been bubbling out - group laughter bursting out at the smallest amusement, masterminding schemes of ultimate lawn-cricket domination....little things.

After a full week of having the Victorian team's selection in limbo, we now have an opponent.
Team Vic Athletes: Shane Edmonds, Mark Graham, Russell Fox, Sam Rankin, Steve Kerr, Hamish Hunter, David Morris...Casee Honan, Samantha Caine, Emma Armstrong, Clair Beach. Staff: Wayne Bacon, Coach; Shane Edmonds, Assistant; Cathy "Tizza" Tisdale, Manager; Kevin "Yippa" Yip, Assistant.

(Bulls intro music fades in) And Now, your starting line up for Team California:
Brian Murphy, Ironman; Jeff Barrett, Swim; Danny Ching, Ski; Pat Jacobson, Swim; Mike Murphy, Ski/Coach; Shane Scoggins, Board; Micah Carlson, Ironman. Staff: Jay Butki, Manager; Rich Hidalgo, Coach; Jamie Orr, Charlotte Graham, Educational Officers.

The Gauntlet has been thrown. Saturday, January 16th, begins day One of the 2010 Wieland Shield.

Updates will posted as access becomes available

Luke 1:37

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